What I Believe

What I Believe

Below is a very short summary of my beliefs. Please refer to the individual pages for detailed statements

  • The KJV is the Inspired and Preserved Word of God for the English speaking world
  • The Word of God is the final and only authority for all matters of faith and practice
  • The Church is local, visible, and autonomous
  • The Church was established by Jesus Christ during His Earthly ministry
  • Churches have the sole authority to start other Churches
  • The two ordinances of the church are Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
  • Communion is for members of good standing of a Local Church only (closed communion)
  • Salvation is available to all mankind by repentance toward God and faith in Christ
  • Repentance and Faith are required for Salvation
  • Salvation once received is eternal
  • Creation was completed in six literal days
  • I reject all points of the philosophy of Calvinism
  • Music should be conservative and God honoring
  • Moral and Ecclesiastical Separation
  • Pre-Tribulation and Pre-Millennial Eschatology
  • Worship style is traditional, conservative, non-contemporary