Why Not Calvinism?

Why Not Calvinism?

Calvinism is a humanist philosophy that was revived during the Reformation by John Calvin.  Calvin was a humanist Attorney who picked up an Augustinian heresy and polished into an overarching theme and five points, all centered around who would and would not be redeemed.  While some biblical terms are used in this philosophy, they are not moored to biblical truth.

There are many who call themselves Baptist and have adopted the philosophy of Calvinism claiming it is a historic Baptist position.  They also generally believe the Baptist Church started during the Reformation.  Church history did not start with the Reformation, it started with Jesus Christ and the Church He established during His earthly ministry.  Calvin’s philosophy was not taught by Christ or the Apostles, and was completely absent in antiquity outside of heretics like Augustine.  I reject the assertion that this is a historic belief of anyone, especially Baptists. 

The following pages are very brief reasons why I reject this philosophy.  I am not writing this for the sake of debate, but for the sake of truth.


Sovereign Grace
Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Perseverance of The Saints