f. Irresistible Grace

f. Irresistible Grace

This point states that God’s grace cannot be resisted by the Elect, and those whom God has chosen to Salvation will be redeemed no matter what.  What it also means is that those who are not Elected are damned for Eternity no matter what.  One again it voids the will of man, so it fails on this precept alone.  If grace were in fact irresistible, then grace would always be irresistible, yet the scriptures clearly demonstrate where God’s grace is in fact resisted, by both the saved and the lost.   If grace were irresistible, no one would receive the grace of God in vain (2 Cor 6:1).  It would be impossible to frustrate the grace of God (Gal 2:21), no one would fail of the grace of God (Heb 12:15), and since only the Elect would be able to respond to the grace of God, there would be no point in having it appear unto all men (Tit 2:11). 

This is one of the best cases where using a term or phrase not found in scripture opens the door to all manner of heresy being taught.  It defeats the bibles ability to define it’s own terms by introducing one that does not exist.  Neither the term, nor the precept behind it, are biblical.

Perseverance Of the Saints