c. Unconditional Election

c. Unconditional Election

Unconditional Election means is that God as chosen a set of people from the foundation of the world, which Calvin called the Elect, and that this group is going to come to faith in Christ no matter what.  

According to Calvin’s philosophy, the Elect, which means chosen, are those that God chose for salvation.  This is gross doctrinal error.  Israel was God’s elect, not to Salvation but as a sign to this world.  The Apostles were chosen (same word as elect) not to Salvation, because 11 of the 12 were already saved and Judas never was or would be.  They were chosen to an office.  If we study Election, we find that it always and only applies to an election or choosing of an individual to or for a specific purpose or calling in this life.  Election is bound to a temporal calling with a divine purpose.  In Heaven, there will be no nation of Israel, there will not be Jew or Greek, there will be no Apostles or Prophets.  There will just be the redeemed. 

God is His foreknowledge chose men to a temporal calling with a divine purpose.  He knew what every man would do, every decision they would make, before the world was created.  He knew Judas would willfully reject Him, therefore He could use Him as a sign and for a purpose.  He knew that Jacob would follow Him and Esau would not.  Does this mean the entirety of Esau or Jacobs lineage were redeemed or condemned?  Certainly not! 

Since Calvin’s definition of Election is a failure, the unconditional piece is a moot point, but it bears mentioning.  To cast something as “unconditional” voids the entire concept of the will.  I did not call it “free will” because the will, by nature, is what makes us free to choose.  So for Calvin to deny what he called “free will” is to deny the will itself.  To say man has no will.  If this were true, then all men who were not elect are doing nothing more or less than what God willed them to do.  God willed them to reject Him. God willed them to sin incessantly.  How then can God judge those that reject him when they can do nothing else?  The entire phrase “unconditional election” is a logically fallacy. 

Limited Atonement